On diversity, identity and socialization: Inequality of educational outcomes





Diversity, Faculty, Inequality, Racial Bias, Gender Bias, Socialization


This essay begins with a presentation of the author’s personal and professional background relative to the topics of diversity, identity, socialization, and the inequality of educational outcomes. Turner then presents US census and Chronicle of Higher Education data to provide a national context for the discussion to follow, including but not limited to implications for policy. Findings emerging from narratives collected via interviews as well as from relevant extant literature are then described to portray issues involved in the underrepresentation of Latinx women as students and professors in higher education. How role identity and identifiers used to categorize Latinx women are then presented followed by a discussion of the Latinx designation and privilege. Educational outcomes for Latinx women are then presented, demonstrating racial/ethnic/gender imbalance. Recommendations on how this underrepresentation of Latinx women, as well as other marginalized groups, in K-12 and postsecondary education can be addressed are then presented.


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Author Biography

Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner, California State University, Sacramento

An internationally recognized and award-winning scholar, Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner is professor emerita of educational leadership at California State University, Sacramento, and Lincoln Professor Emerita of Higher Education and Ethics at Arizona State University. She served as president of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) and as interim dean for the College of Education at California State University, Sacramento. She is the author of Women of Color in Academe: Living with Multiple Marginality and coauthor with Samuel L. Myers Jr. of Faculty of Color in Academe: Bittersweet Success. Her numerous recognitions include the University of California, Davis (UCD) School of Education Distinguished Alumna Award and the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Scholars of Color in Education Career Contribution Award. She received her Ph.D. in Administration and Policy Analysis from the Stanford University School of Education.




How to Cite

Turner, C. S. V. (2021). On diversity, identity and socialization: Inequality of educational outcomes. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29, 41. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.29.5329



Striving for Social Justice and Equity in Higher Education