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“Evaluation yes, but not like this”: Case study of a failed policy in the Mexican high school




educational reform, high school, teacher, teacher performance evaluation, education policy


This article addresses one of the most heated moments in recent education policy in Mexico, framed within the 2013 Educational Reform: The performance evaluation of high school teachers across the country, and the condition that they would potentially lose their teaching position if they refused to take the evaluation or failed it. Unprecedented in its type and scope, the evaluation triggered controversy throughout the country, polarizing the population on its benefits and negative effects. The purpose of this study is to recover, through a retrospective analysis, the experience, perception, feelings, and emotions that the evaluation generated in a group of high school teachers in the state of Morelos, Mexico. A qualitative methodology was used, employing techniques like the collection of newspaper sources, official documents, and television content, as well as conducting interviews with 25 out of 34 teachers selected by the educational authority to be evaluated. Pre- and post-evaluation interviews were conducted and presented. Among the findings, it was noted that teachers were willing to be evaluated, but considered the evaluation process to be disorganized, unfair, and even punitive.


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Author Biographies

Luz Marina Ibarra Uribe, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

Antropóloga social por la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (México), realizó estudios del Historia en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y es doctora en educación por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Es responsable del Cuerpo Académico Consolidado: Estudios Estratégicos Regionales e integrante de la Red Nacional de Investigadores en Educación y Valores (REDUVAL), del Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa (COMIE), de la Red de Investigación en Emociones y Afectos desde las Ciencias Sociales y las Humanidades (RENISCE Internacional), de la Red Internacional de Colaboración en Temas de Innovación, Emprendimiento y Competitividad para el Desarrollo Económico y social (REDIIEMCO), así como de la Red de Investigación Educativa del CBTis No.76. Sus líneas de investigación son: género, valores, educación y políticas educativas. Actualmente es profesora-investigadora, titular C adscrita a la Facultad de Estudios Superiores de Cuautla (FESC) de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM). Es perfil deseable PRODEP-SEP; miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores (SNII). Es autora de los libros: Trayectorias escolares de jóvenes bachilleres atravesadas por la pandemia, El acoso laboral en las instituciones de educación superior. Una visión desde el género y, Abuelas, madres y nietas. Escolaridad y participación ciudadana 1930-1990, publicados por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos y coordinador de seis libros más. Autora de diversos artículos y capítulos publicados en revistas indexadas y libros especializados en temas educativos y dictaminadora de diversas revistas especializadas sobre temas de ciencias sociales.

César Darío Fonseca Bautista, Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico industrial y de servicios No. 76

Anthropologist, Master in Educational Research and Doctor of Education from the UAEM. Attached to the DGETI subsystem. Responsible for the Educational Research Network of his campus. Member of the SNI, COMIE, Reduval and Renisce. Coordinator of the books: Teachers, students and graduates of the industrial technological baccalaureate in the common curricular framework, and Collaborative work in upper secondary education, Author of articles published in specialized magazines, on topics related to upper secondary education.




How to Cite

Luz Marina Ibarra Uribe, & Fonseca Bautista, C. D. (2024). “Evaluation yes, but not like this”: Case study of a failed policy in the Mexican high school. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 32.




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