Response to "What do Klein et al. tell us about test scores in Texas?"


  • Stephen P. Klein RAND
  • Laura S. Hamilton RAND
  • Daniel F. McCaffrey RAND
  • Brian M. Stecher RAND



Wherein the authors reply to Toenjes, Vol. 13 No. 36 "What do Klein et al. tell us about test scores in Texas?"


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Biografía del autor/a

Stephen P. Klein, RAND

Dr. Stephen P. Klein is a Senior Research Scientist at RAND, where for the past 30 years he has led studies on health, criminal justice, military manpower, and educational issues. His current projects include analyzing licensing examinations in teaching and other professions, delivering computer performance tests over the Web, and measuring the effects of instructional practices and curriculum on student performance.

Laura S. Hamilton, RAND

Dr. Laura S. Hamilton is a Senior Behavioral Scientist at RAND where she conducts research on educational assessment and the effectiveness of educational reform programs. Her current projects include a study of systemic reforms in math and science, an investigation of district and school responses to standards-based accountability, and a study of teachers’ and principals’ use of information from a value-added assessment system.

Daniel F. McCaffrey, RAND

Dr. Daniel F. McCaffrey is is a Senior Statistician at RAND where he works on studies of health and educational issues. His recent research has focused the study of value-added model estimates of teacher effects by evaluating the literature and statistical methods for value-added modeling, by developing new models and algorithms for estimating effects, and by conducting empirical evaluations of the various estimates. He is also studying the effect of a value-added assessment program on student outcomes and educational practice.

Brian M. Stecher, RAND

Dr. Brian Stecher is a Senior Social Scientist in the Education program at RAND. Dr. Stecher's research emphasis is applied educational measurement, including the implementation, quality, and impact of state assessment and accountability systems and the cost, quality, and feasibility of performance-based assessments in mathematics and science.




Cómo citar

Klein, S. P., Hamilton, L. S. ., McCaffrey, D. F. ., & Stecher, B. M. . (2005). Response to "What do Klein et al. tell us about test scores in Texas?". Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 13, 37.




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