Analysis of the concept of "teaching" college professors: A qualitative study


  • Gustavo Hawes Barrios Universidad de Talca, Chile
  • Sebastián Donoso Diaz Universidad de Talca, Chile



Pedagogy, University Teachers, Chile


This article explores the conceptions of learning and teaching among university teachers with no pedagogical qualifications. The model of implicit theories is used as a frame of reference, and the analytical process is supported by psychological theories of learning. Observations were carried out in a public university in southern Chile. Results evidence a rather mechanistic vision of learning, associated with a vision of teaching resting on the concept of transmission, although there are some efforts to link this conception with data processing. The vision of the professional teacher is more romantic than professional.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Gustavo Hawes Barrios, Universidad de Talca, Chile

Gustavo Hawes Barrios, Académico del Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Educacional de la Universidad de Talca (Chile) y Profesor del área de Epistemología Aplicada del Programa de Magíster en Política y Gestión Educacional de la Universidad.

Sebastián Donoso Diaz, Universidad de Talca, Chile

Sebastián Donoso Díaz, Académico del Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Educacional de la Universidad de Talca (Chile) y Profesor del área de Política Educacional o del Programa de Magíster en Política y Gestión Educacional de la Universidad.



Como Citar

Hawes Barrios, G., & Donoso Diaz, S. (2003). Analysis of the concept of "teaching" college professors: A qualitative study. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 11, 11.




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