Cumpliendo nuestra misión educativa: Una respuesta a la crítica edTPA


  • Andrea Whittaker Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE)
  • Raymond L. Pecheone Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE)
  • Kendyll Stansbury Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE)


Palabras clave:

edTPA, formación docente, evaluación, reformas educativas


Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) produce un comentario sobre los manuscritos en este número especial, respondiendo a las críticas de edTPA como una evaluación que reduce el plan de estudios, depende en gran medida de las habilidades académicas de escritura de los estudiantes y crea cargas para los candidatos a docentes. El comentario destaca cómo edTPA está intencionado a fortalecer la enseñanza de los candidatos docentes y ofrece sugerencias para la implementación educativa que podría mejorar los programas de formación docente.


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Biografía del autor/a

Andrea Whittaker, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE)

Andrea Whittaker received her doctorate in Educational Psychology at Stanford University. She is currently Director of Teacher Performance Assessment at SCALE and National Director for edTPA. For 15 years prior to joining edTPA’s design and implementation team, Andrea served on the faculty of the College of Education at San José State University where she taught courses in literacy, multicultural and psychological foundations, and assessment. Andrea’s research interests include teaching standards and assessment, professional development and teacher education policies and practice.

Raymond L. Pecheone, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE)

Dr. Pecheone is a Professor of Practice at Stanford University and the founder and Executive Director of the Stanford Center for Assessment Learning, and Equity (SCALE), which focuses on the development of innovative performance assessments for students, teachers and administrators at the school, district and state levels. Pecheone’s leadership as Co-director of the first Assessment Development Lab for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards was instrumental in developing the framework for the assessment highly accomplished teaching.  Pecheone and Linda Darling Hammond chaired a policy group that established the INTASC teaching standards and situated the program within the Counsel of Chief State School Officers. Currently, Dr. Pecheone and SCALE lead the development and implementation of edTPA, which is used in 40 states and over 750 IHEs nationally.

Kendyll Stansbury, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE)

Kendyll Stansbury received her doctorate in education from Stanford University.  She currently is an assessment specialist at SCALE with 30 years of experience in teacher assessment. She began her career in assessment by piloting, analyzing, and comparing assessments for teachers in induction programs for WestEd and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.  She has worked on developing assessments for experienced teachers seeking to add an authorization to teach English learners for WestEd, and now works on developing preservice teacher and experienced teacher assessments for SCALE.  She has also worked on developing student assessments for vocational students and science students.




Cómo citar

Whittaker, A., Pecheone, R. L., & Stansbury, K. (2018). Cumpliendo nuestra misión educativa: Una respuesta a la crítica edTPA. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 26, 30.



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