Uma retórica conveniente ou uma mudança substancial na diversidade racial dos professores? Uma análise de text mining de documentos federais, estaduais e distritais


  • Sing Hui Lee Georgia State University
  • Briana N. Keith Georgia State University
  • Yasmine Bey Georgia State University
  • Yinying Wang Georgia State University
  • Xiulong Yang Georgia State University
  • Xiang Li Georgia State University
  • Shihao Ji Georgia State University



política educacional, diversidade racial, diversidade docente, preparação de professores, recrutamento de professores, retenção de professores, text mining


A diversidade racial docente tem sido amplamente considerada importante na educação. No entanto, ainda não está claro até que ponto e como a diversidade racial de professores tem sido abordada nos níveis federal, estadual e distrital. Neste estudo, empregamos text mining para coletar e analisar mais de três milhões de documentos nos níveis federal, estadual e distrital. Descobrimos que, embora os alunos de cor tivessem desproporcionalmente menos acesso a professores racialmente diversos, os documentos sob nossa análise discutiam insuficientemente o recrutamento e a retenção de professores racialmente diversos. Nossas descobertas também revelam que as agências de educação nos níveis federal, estadual e distrital prestaram pouca atenção ao recrutamento e retenção de professores hispânicos. Para os estados e distritos que discutiram o recrutamento de professores com diversidade racial, eles recrutaram principalmente professores de instituições e organizações que atendem principalmente pessoas de cor, como Faculdades e Universidades Historicamente Negras, Columbia Latino/a Law Student Association, National Association of Profissionais Asiáticos Americanos e a National Black MBA Association. Dadas as descobertas e o crescimento projetado de matrículas de alunos negros e hispânicos nos Estados Unidos, fornecemos cinco recomendações de políticas para formuladores de políticas e líderes para diversificar racialmente a força de trabalho de professores em meio a mudanças demográficas estudantis, particularmente estudantes hispânicos.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Sing Hui Lee, Georgia State University

Sing Hui Lee received her PhD in political science at Georgia State University, with research interests focusing on youth political attitudes and behaviors in East Asia and Southeast Asia, youth activism, digital politics, and the role of identity in international relations studies. She received her LLM in international law from The University of Hull and LLM in international relations from Xiamen University. Lee is one of the board members of Daisy Alliance, a nongovernmental organization dedicated to enhancing global peace and strengthening nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament movement through grassroots and educational institution advocacy initiatives.

Briana N. Keith, Georgia State University

Briana N. Keith is a doctoral student in sociology at Georgia State University, with a concentration in life course and health. She has received her M.A. in gerontology at Georgia State University and her B.S. in anthropology and human biology at Emory University. Currently, she is working on research looking into the mental health effects of microaggressions of students and faculty of color in predominantly white institutions.

Yasmine Bey, Georgia State University

Yasmine Bey is a PhD student at Georgia State University in educational policy studies, with a concentration in research, measurement, & statistics. She works in the Center for Evaluation and Research Services at Georgia State University and has a background in social work and nonprofit management.

Yinying Wang, Georgia State University

Yinying Wang is an associate professor of educational leadership in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at College of Education and Human Development in Georgia State University. Her research interest intersects technology, decision making, emotions, and social network analysis in educational leadership and policy. In addition to teaching educational leadership courses, she also teaches social network analysis. Her background includes medical doctor, classroom teacher, and school administrator.

Xiulong Yang, Georgia State University

Xiulong Yang is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Georgia State University. His research interests include deep neural network, data efficiency in deep learning, educational technology, and data mining.

Xiang Li, Georgia State University

Xiang received his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Donghua University, China, in 2013, and his master’s degree in pattern recognition from Northeastern University, China, in 2018. He is currently pursuing a PhD degree in computer science at Georgia State University. His research interests include the robustness and interpretability of deep neural network, and brain MRI image analysis.

Shihao Ji, Georgia State University

Dr. Shihao Ji is an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at Georgia State University. His principal research interests lie in the area of machine learning and deep learning with an emphasis on high-performance computing. He is interested in developing efficient algorithms that can learn from a variety of data sources (e.g., image, audio, and text) on a large scale and automate decision-making processes in dynamic environments. Dr. Ji received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Duke University in 2006. After that he was a research associate at Duke for about 1.5 years. Prior to joining GSU, he spent about 10 years in industry research labs. He is a senior member of the IEEE.




Como Citar

Lee, S. H., Keith, B. N., Bey, Y., Wang, Y., Yang, X., Li, X., & Ji, S. (2022). Uma retórica conveniente ou uma mudança substancial na diversidade racial dos professores? Uma análise de text mining de documentos federais, estaduais e distritais. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 30, (78).


