Standards and competency frameworks for school administrators: Global, comparative and critical perspectives




Standards, competencies, education leadership, school administration, policy mobilities


In this introduction to the special issue, we highlight the increased transnational interest in standardizing the knowledge, competencies, and practices that relate to educational leadership. While acknowledging the thematic convergences in leadership standards and competency frameworks from heterogenous localities, we propose that it is critical to interrogate the policy mobilities and the recontextualization of the discourses that have contributed to the formulation and implementation of standards. To achieve this aim, this special issue stages a global dialogue about this global leadership turn by including a selection of articles that discuss the emergence and adoption of education leadership standards in diverse linguistic, social and cultural contexts.


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Author Biographies

Augusto Riveros, Western University

Augusto Riveros is associate professor in critical policy equity and leadership studies in the Faculty of Education at Western University in Ontario. Canada. His areas of interest include methods and theory in educational administration and leadership, policy analysis and education reform. His work has been published in numerous international journals and edited books. Dr. Riveros’ research has been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Wei Wei, Western University

Wei Wei is a Ph.D. Candidate in critical policy, equity, and leadership studies in the Faculty of Education at Western University in Ontario Canada. Her research interests include educational leadership, policy analysis, and comparative and international education.



How to Cite

Riveros, A., & Wei, W. (2019). Standards and competency frameworks for school administrators: Global, comparative and critical perspectives. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27, 111.



Standards and Competency Frameworks for School Administrators