Inclusive linguistic policy in Spain for newly arrived migrant students: Dilemmas and tensions in times of crisis




Foreign nationality students, language policy, language support, language teaching, immigration, schools


This article examines the linguistic policies aimed at students of foreign nationality recently incorporated into the educational system in Spain. First, we provide a description of language support policies and programs at the school level, and in particular of the so-called “special classrooms.” Secondly, we will make a brief analysis of their impact with the intention to contribute to the debate on how they have been able to serve for the development of inclusion processes or for the implementation of forms of exclusion or segregation of these students. The results reveal that in the special classrooms the complex nature of what the learning of the language implies is not recognized, without questioning the school organization. Rather, the measures are based on the notions of compensation and the deficit approach of students of foreign nationality. The article argues that as long as policies are based on such ideas, students of foreign nationality will continue to be at a disadvantage and will have fewer educational opportunities. Finally, a school model that favors linguistic support not only for students of foreign nationality but also as an instrument of quality education for all is proposed.


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Author Biography

Rosa María Rodríguez Izquierdo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO)

Rosa Mª Rodríguez Izquierdo, es doctora en Educación (Universidad de Sevilla). También obtuvo una Maestría en Enseñanza en la Educación Superior. Actualmente es profesora titular en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, España). Anteriormente ha trabajado para la Universidad Autónoma (Madrid, España). Ha sido becaria Fulbright en Harvard Graduate School of Education(HGSE) e investigadora visitante en el Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Harvard, en Australia (Universidad de Sídney, Universidad de Melbourne y Universidad de Brisbane) y en varias universidades europeas y latinoamericanas. Es investigadora del Real Colegio Complutense (RCC) en Harvard desde 2005. Su trabajo se ha centrado en la educación ciudadana y multicultural, la reforma curricular, las actitudes de los maestros hacia las prácticas culturalmente relevantes y la relación entre calidad docente, la expansión educativa y desarrollo social desigual. Ha escrito numerosos artículos sobre estos temas. En la actualidad es coordinadora del programa de doctorado en estudios migratorios y Directora Académica del Grado en Educación Social. Más información:




How to Cite

Rodríguez Izquierdo, R. M. (2018). Inclusive linguistic policy in Spain for newly arrived migrant students: Dilemmas and tensions in times of crisis. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26, 154.


