Varieties of academic capitalism: A conceptual framework of analysis




Universities, academic capitalism, markets, privatization, privatism


This article proposes a conceptual framework for the analysis of varieties of academic capitalism. The central thesis maintains that these varieties arise from the specific characteristics that in each country organize the the three vertical blocks that make up national systems of higher education (HE): (i) its grounding political economy structure, (ii) the organizational field and the coordination dynamics between universities, and (iii) the systems’ governance modalities, its policy paradigm and instruments. Each variety of academic capitalism is characterized by the degree of privatism in these three blocks and their constituent elements. Thus, in the case of the political economy regime, the level of private presence in the provision and financing of a system plays a determining role and, therefore, the degree of marketization, commodification, commercialization and financialization of higher education. In the case of the organizational field, the impact of these previous processes on the entrepreneurialization and managerialism of participating institutions and on the competition and coordination of HE is of particular interest, as well as the degree of freedom and regulation that prevail in the relevant HE markets. Finally, the governance of academic capitalism depends in each case on the paradigms that guide public policies, the selection of policy instruments, and the way in which stakeholders participate in the governance structure. A brief summary and identification of future research lines for further studying varieties of academic capitalism complete this article.


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Author Biographies

Jose Joaquin Brunner, Centro de Políticas Comparadas de Educación, Universidad Diego Portales

       Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad de Leiden, Holanda. Profesor Titular de la Universidad Diego Portales, Chile, y Director de la Cátedra UNESCO de Políticas Comparadas de Educación Superior. Líneas de investigación: Economía política y gobernanza de la educación superior, análisis de sistemas y políticas comparadas.

Julio Labraña, Centro de Políticas Comparadas de Educación, Universidad Diego Portales

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Witten/Herdecke, Alemania. Investigador asociado de la Universidad Diego Portales, Chile y Coordinador Ejecutivo de la Cátedra UNESCO de Políticas Comparadas de Educación Superior. Líneas de investigación: Sociología de la educación superior, historia de la educación y cambios discursivos.


Emilio Rodríguez-Ponce, Universidad de Tarapacá


Doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Rector y Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile. Líneas de investigación: Educación Superior, gestión del conocimiento y liderazgo.

Francisco Ganga, Universidad de Tarapacá

Doctor en Gestión Estratégica y Negocios Internacionales, por la Universidad de Sevilla, España y Postdoctorado en Ciencias Humanas por la Universidad de Zulia, Venezuela. Profesor Titular de Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile. Líneas de investigación: Educación superior, gobernanza universitaria y liderazgo.




How to Cite

Brunner, J. J., Labraña, J., Rodríguez-Ponce, E., & Ganga, F. (2021). Varieties of academic capitalism: A conceptual framework of analysis. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29, 35.


