The change of policies in the continuous training and professional development of teachers in Mexico: Transitions, postponements and challenges


  • Rosalina Romero Gonzaga FLACSO-Sede México y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



continuous training and professional development policies, information and communication technologies, policy change, basic education, higher secondary education


This article examines the changes in Mexican policies of continuous training and teacher professional development during periods of educational reforms within the field of policy studies. Based on documentary research and semi-structured interviews with participating educational actors, this study specifically identifies changes in policies related to basic and upper secondary education and shows the analytical potential of policy regimes as a fruitful framework to understand continuing training policies as decision processes with political and technical implications. Findings suggest that from the view of the policy regime, the international context favors a series of power arrangements and adjustments that force changes in continuing training policies and professional development at the national level, despite weak and deficient organizational and institutional regulation, which triggers wrong and harmful results.


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Author Biography

Rosalina Romero Gonzaga, FLACSO-Sede México y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (México). Líneas de investigación: políticas de educación básica; políticas de formación docente; diseño, implementación y evaluación de políticas educativas; organización y funcionamiento de aparatos educativos; desempeño gubernamental. Beneficiaria Beca “Estancias Posdoctorales por México”, CONACyT, en la Modalidad: Estancia Posdoctoral Académica en la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Sede México) para desarrollar el proyecto “Políticas de formación docente en ambientes mediáticos y digitales en el siglo XXI: postergaciones, transiciones y disrupciones, 2000-2024”, bajo la dirección de la Dra. Gloria Del Castillo Alemán, durante el año académico 2020-2021.



How to Cite

Romero Gonzaga, R. (2022). The change of policies in the continuous training and professional development of teachers in Mexico: Transitions, postponements and challenges. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30, (113).


