Universidad de la Democracia: La universidad comunitaria en el siglo XXI: Delimitando la discusión.


  • Amelia Marcetti Topper Doctoral Student Education Policy & Evaluation Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Arizona State University
  • Jeanne M. Powers Associate Professor Education Policy & Evaluation Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Arizona State University United States



Palabras clave:

universidad comunitaria, educación superior, acceso, persistencia estudiantil, , estudiantes no tradicionales


En este trabajo, las editoras de este número especial de EPAA en la "Universidad de la Democracia: La universidad  comunitaria en el siglo XXI: a) presenta los antecedentes, la historia, el contexto de la universidad  comunitaria (en inglés Community Colleges) en el escenario más amplio de la educación superior b) presenta un resumen de los tres artículos de investigación y de los dos videos con comentarios que han sido evaluados por pares y seleccionados para formar parte de este número especial, y c) analiza las contribuciones individuales y los principales temas transversales a los trabajos seleccionados. Se discute la relevancia de cada trabajo en términos de las ideas que cada uno aporta a la labor de investigación general sobre este tema y el potencial de cada trabajo para informar a la investigación, la práctica y la política en las universidades  comunitarias.


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Biografía del autor/a

Amelia Marcetti Topper, Doctoral Student Education Policy & Evaluation Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Arizona State University

Ms. Topper has worked in the education sector for over 15 years as both an educator and researcher, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Education Policy and Evaluation at Arizona State University. Ms. Topper has experience working on studies for the U.S. Department of Education, the Lumina Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Pell Institute, state agencies, and local school districts. She works with Achieving the Dream, a national community college reform movement, and has authored and co-authored numerous policy briefs on the initiative-wide database. Topics of research include postsecondary student access, persistence and retention; financial aid policies; community colleges; and, K-12 student migration and charter school enrollment. Ms. Topper’s research has been published in Review of Education Research, Journal of School Choice, and On the Horizon, and she is currently a Managing Editor of Education Policy Analysis Archives. She holds a Master's in Leadership in Teaching from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland, and a Bachelor's in the Philosophy and Classical Languages from St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland.

Jeanne M. Powers, Associate Professor Education Policy & Evaluation Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Arizona State University United States

Dr. Powers received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California, San Diego. Her research focuses on school choice, accountability policies, school finance litigation, and school segregation. Her book, Charter Schools:  Reform Imagery, Reform Reality, was published in 2009 by Palgrave Macmillan. One of Dr. Powers' ongoing projects is a historical analysis of Mexican American school segregation cases in the Southwest. For an example of this line of research, see, "Between Mendez and Brown: Gonzales v. Sheely (1951) and the Legal Campaign Against Segregation" (with Lirio Patton), an analysis of the legal arguments in Mexican American school segregation cases, which was published in March 2008 in Law and Social Inquiry. In another line of research she is examining how social science research shapes judicial decision-making in school finance cases. Dr. Powers' research has also been published in American Educational Research Journal, Educational Policy, and Equity and Excellence in Education. Dr. Powers is currently an Editor of Education Policy Analysis Archives.




Cómo citar

Topper, A. M., & Powers, J. M. (2013). Universidad de la Democracia: La universidad comunitaria en el siglo XXI: Delimitando la discusión. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 21, 14. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.v21n14.2013


