Contextualizando a reforma educacional: Como os distritos escolares urbanos projetam trajetórias de liderança com foco na equidade




liderança, cultura organizacional, trajetórias


Este artigo explora o cenário em evolução da educação K-12 no contexto pós-pandemia de COVID-19 em 2020 e do “despertar racial” que se seguiu ao assassinato de George Floyd. Apesar do retorno ao ensino presencial, barreiras persistentes anteriores à pandemia continuam dificultando as oportunidades acadêmicas, particularmente para estudantes minorizados. O estudo foca em práticas equitativas de educadores e modelos de liderança para abordar as lacunas educacionais e de oportunidades. Três grandes distritos escolares urbanos nos Estados Unidos servem como estudo de caso, investigando como projetam e implementam trajetórias de liderança centradas na equidade após a COVID-19. Também são analisados os contextos sociopolíticos e culturais que influenciam o desenvolvimento dessas trajetórias de liderança e as experiências de diretores racializados. O artigo utiliza a cultura organizacional como estrutura para analisar como as trajetórias de liderança funcionam como alavancas para a melhoria educacional. Os resultados ressaltam a importância de continuar investindo em iniciativas que promovam a equidade para combater as desigualdades persistentes na educação.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

April Peters, University of Houston

April Peters is professor and associate chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in the College of Education at the University of Houston. She is a past president of the University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA), a consortium of higher education institutions. April’s research interests include: (a) mentoring and support for early career administrators; (b) women in school leadership; (c) leadership and urban small school reform; and (d) effective university and district partnerships. Her research has been published in academic periodicals such as Journal of School Leadership; Teachers College Record; Leadership and Policy in Schools; Educational Administration Quarterly; Journal of Educational Administration; Urban Education; and The International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

Joshua Childs, University of Texas at Austin

Joshua Childs is an associate professor in the Educational Policy and Planning Program in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy. His research examines the role of interorganizational networks and cross-sector collaborations to address complex educational issues. He also investigates collaborative approaches involving organizations (local, state, and national) that have the potential to improve academic achievement and opportunities for students in urban and rural schools. This includes ways to improve student engagement and attendance in school, interscholastic athletics, and expanding educational opportunities through concentrated policy design and implementation.

Ain Grooms, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ain Grooms is an assistant professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis Department at  the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She studies K-12 educational equity, with a particular focus on equity and access for students of color and students from traditionally disenfranchised communities. She uses the intersection of race and place to examine the impact of educational policy on student achievement and associated outcomes. Her current research projects focus on whether and how educational leaders and related stakeholders in schools, districts, and states design and sustain equity-focused policies and practices, with emphasis on the retention of educators of color, the development of principal pipelines, and the implementation of computer science education policy.

Eligio Martinez Jr., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Eligio Martinez is an associate professor in the Educational Leadership Department at Cal Poly Pomona. His research examines the experiences of boys and men of color throughout the educational pipeline. His research explores the transitions into higher education and experiences within the community college context.




Como Citar

Peters, A., Childs, J., Grooms, A., & Martinez Jr., E. (2025). Contextualizando a reforma educacional: Como os distritos escolares urbanos projetam trajetórias de liderança com foco na equidade. Arquivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas, 33.



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